National Public Lands Day 2020 in Joshua Tree National Park, CA

man with backpack looking at paper

Saturday was National Public Lands Day, and as a way to celebrate we drove out to Joshua Tree for a little back country camping.

I was especially excited because this was the first time I got to use my new Half Dome 2 Plus from REI.  The tent is extremely easy to set up and the mesh canopy offered us incredible views of the night sky all night long.

rock structures

Temperatures were slated to hit a high of 97° for the day, so we planned to arrive around 2pm and kill some time at a few other locations before venturing off-trail into the back country.

Seeing as we’re about to enter October, we decided it would be fitting to go explore the Hall of Horrors

man climbing rock structures
tent on rock structures

After a bit of exploring and playing around, we decided it was finally starting to cool off and would be a good time to find a spot that we could call home for the night.

We drove over to Twin Tanks, filled out the registration slip, and started wondering off westward.

After about a two mile hike we found a nice flat spot on some soft sand in what appeared to be a dried out irrigation channel.

There were some large rock structures nearby that offered us some great views of the sunset and surrounding landscape. 

woman standing on rock structure
man sitting on rock structure under the sun

Overall it was a great quick getaway to celebrate National Public Lands Day.

Did you do anything this past weekend to celebrate NPLD? Let me know all about it in the comments!

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